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South Niagara Canoe Club

Your Destination For Paddling Sports


canal dragons program

on water programming begins May 1st!

Details to come!

ABOUT Canal Dragons

Canal Dragons are recruiting new members for our Dragon Boat Crews for adults and seniors, all genders and abilities.  Whether you are a beginner, a competitive athlete or somewhere in between Canal Dragons has a crew for you. The focus is on fitness, strength, paddling technique, individual and team development and camaraderie. 

We offer programs for athletes looking to paddle:




Within these training groups we have women's, mixed,  paradragons,  cancer survivor crews, and special needs crews.  Hope Floats Breast Cancer Survivor (BCS) and Cancer Survivor (CS) Dragon Boat Crews are members of Canal Dragons. Hope Floats members register on Canal Dragons and indicate that they wish to be on the BCS or CS crew. Click here for more information about our Cancer Survivor crews. 

Racing is optional. For a list of planned races click here

Participants will be assigned to boats/crews by the coaches. The coaches take into consideration crew and paddler needs, abilities and goals and will follow divisional rules. 

À PROPOS des Dragons des canaux

Canal Dragons recrute de nouveaux membres pour nos équipages de bateaux-dragons pour adultes et seniors, de tous sexes et de tous niveaux. Que vous soyez débutant, athlète de compétition ou quelque part entre les deux, Canal Dragons a un équipage pour vous. L'accent est mis sur la forme physique, la force, la technique de pagaie, le développement individuel et en équipe et la camaraderie. Nous proposons des programmes pour les athlètes souhaitant pagayer :




Au sein de ces groupes de formation, nous avons des équipages féminins, mixtes, paradragons, de survivants du cancer et des équipages ayant des besoins spéciaux. Les équipages de bateaux-dragons Hope Floats Breast Cancer Survivor (BCS) et Cancer Survivor (CS) sont membres de Canal Dragons. Les membres de Hope Floats s'inscrivent sur Canal Dragons et indiquent qu'ils souhaitent faire partie de l'équipage BCS ou CS. Cliquez ici pour plus d’informations sur nos équipes de survivants du cancer. La course est facultative. Pour une liste des courses prévues, cliquez ici. Les participants seront assignés aux bateaux/équipages par les entraîneurs. Les entraîneurs prennent en compte les besoins, les capacités et les objectifs de l’équipage et des pagayeurs et suivront les règles de la division.


On-water Season 2024

Spring & Summer

May 1 -  June 30, July 1 - August 31

Monday and Wednesday 

Spring May & June

Summer July & August

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Saturday's - select Saturdays 

9:30 - 11:00

No practices on Saturdays that we are racing or the Welland International Flatwater racing course has events booked. 

A complete list of Saturdays to come.

Autumn September 15 - October 30

Schedule TBD

Saturdays 9:30 - 11:00 am

Night paddles TBD Mondays & Wednesdays

Winter Season 2024/25

December  through March or

January through March

Monday & Wednesdays 6:30 pm - 8:pm

Saturdays 9:30 am - 11:am

Mix and Match 1 - 3x per week

Pricing: See registration links below

Register below

Inscrivez-vous ci-dessous

Upcoming events - évènements à venir

    • 01/05/2024
    • 31/03/2025
    • SNCC @ WIFC 16 Townline Tunnel Road, Welland, Ontario

    Dragon Boat 2 times for free!

    Not sure if Dragon Boat is for you?

    Come try Dragon Boat with our crews.

    Please register to provide your emergency contact information and to sign the SNCC waiver.  Email to arrange details of your free trial 

    Dragon Boat2  gratuitement !

    Vous ne savez pas si Dragon Boat est fait pour vous ?

    Venez essayer Dragon Boat avec nos équipages, 2 fois gratuitement.

    Veuillez vous inscrire pour fournir vos coordonnées d'urgence et pour signer la renonciation SNCC. Envoyez un courriel à pour organiser les détails de votre essai gratuit

    • 23/09/2024
    • 23/08/2025
    • SNCC @ WIFC 16 Townline Tunnel Road, Welland, Ontario
    This is not an event. Use this link to sign the SNCC waiver online.
    • 16/11/2024
    • 30/04/2025
    • Crunch Fitness, 300 Lincoln Street, Welland

    Develop your Champion!

    Reach Your Goals.

    Shape Your Body.

    Reach the potential you are capable of under the professional support and guidance of SNCC Coach, Öztürk Kuru.

    His credentials and experience includes a Master of Science, Physical Education & Sport, Personal Trainer, Strength Coach, and Nutritional Guidance.

    Contact him at 905-933-9165 or via email at

    Interested athletes will also need to purchase a monthly membership to Crunch Fitness, 300 Lincoln Street, Welland and ask for the South Niagara Canoe Club discount.

    • 02/12/2024
    • 31/03/2025
    • WIFC
    • 64

    Canal Dragons

    Canal Dragons Dragon Boat indoor winter training is inclusive of all adult ages and genders including cancer survivor and para athletes.

    Winter session 2023-2024

    This is an excellent program to build on your strength, fitness and technique through the winter to prepare for the on-water season.

    For those that have never paddled a dragon boat, winter is the best time to start. 

    90-minute sessions split between the gym and paddle tank.

    First 1/2 hour in the gym for fitness training with coach Ozturk Kuru, followed by one hour in the paddle tank with coach Brenda Arndt.

    The paddle tank will be available during the first 1/2 hour for athletes that wish to focus extra time on their technique. 


    December 2, 2024, through to March 31, 2025.  

    2nd session begins in January

    **January 11, 2025 through to March 31, 2025**

    No training on holidays, long weekends and March break: December 21 - January 8 inclusive, February 15 -17 inclusive, March 8 - 15 inclusive. 

    Anyone may participate in 1, 2, or 3 sessions per week.  

    A package of six sessions is available. 


    • 1x per week $250 - if beginning in January $200
    • 2x per week $375 - if beginning in January $300
    • 3x per week $550 - if beginning in January $440
    • Package of 6(six) sessions $125 -*flexible
    • Drop-in fee: $25
    • Payment may be made in installments.  Email to arrange this.
    • 1 or 2 x per week is flexible. We ask that you choose the day(s) of the week that you will attend when you register, however, you may come on a different day of the week when needed, or you may switch from one day to another.


    6:30 - 8:00 pm 


    6:30-8:00 pm


    9:30 - 11:00 am

    • Please wear indoor shoes in the gym and paddle tank area. 
    • Gym equipment, including paddles, are to be returned to their proper location at the end of a practice.
    • Gym equipment in the fitness area is to be wiped down.
    • Weights are to be stored in the proper area.
    • Change rooms are left clean with no damage to lockers, garbage is in its proper place, etc.

Paddling location

Welland International Flatwater Centre

16 Townline Tunnel Road

Welland, ON 

Contact Us 


108 Thorold Road East

Welland, ON L3C7A6

Many thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Delta City Bingo in Welland for their support! 


Very special thanks to photographer and SNCC friend Anthony Gallaccio of Welland.

© 2021 South Niagara Canoe Club
South Niagara Canoe Club is a registered non-profit corporation.

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